
Genbrug af siliciumcarbid

Silicon Carbide (SiC) has emerged as an essential technological material. It’s utilized for use in abrasives, technical ceramics and refractories – as well as semiconductor manufacturing. Produced by heating silica sand mixed with carbon in the form of petroleum coke at high temperatures in huge open “Acheson” furnaces, SiC is then produced in both Green […]

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Slibemiddel af siliciumkarbid

Silicon carbide is an abrasive material commonly found in grinding wheels, sanding belts and blast media. As an inorganic chemical compound it competes with diamond and boron carbide in terms of hardness. Black silicon carbide (Carborundum) is one of the most commonly used abrasives, featuring hard and angular grains that make for effective processing of

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Anvendelser af siliciumcarbid

Silicon carbide (SiC) possesses an unusual crystal structure. It contains four Si and four C atoms in an ordered coordination tetrahedral arrangement with layers stacked into polytypes forming its primary coordination tetrahedron. Electrically, silicon carbide has the ability to withstand voltages five-ten times higher than silicon. This makes it an excellent material choice for power

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Silicon Carbide MOSFETs for EVs and Renewable Energy

Technology advances are once-in-a-generation events for semiconductor businesses, and those that accept them stand to reap enormous profits. Cree, now Wolfspeed, stands to benefit from the trend towards silicon carbide power devices. Their innovations in device design and production allow them to manufacture smaller chips with equal power ratings on each wafer – thus expanding

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Tynd film af amorf siliciumcarbid

Amorphous silicon carbide (a-SiC) has gained immense attention due to its variable optical and electronic properties. As it features rigidity, low thermal expansion rates, and visible light transparency it makes an attractive material for telescope mirrors. Material science is experiencing a revolution with the introduction of this novel material: a-SiC. With properties combining strength with

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4H siliciumcarbid mod 6H siliciumcarbid

4H-SiC is an increasingly popular polytype of silicon carbide. Due to its wide bandgap and excellent thermal, electrical, and mechanical properties, it makes an ideal material for power electronics applications. We investigated the elastic deformation and cracking behavior of a single crystal 4H-SiC pillar specimen with [0001] orientation by performing four times loading-unloading compression strain

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Whiskers af siliciumkarbid

Silicon carbide whiskers, single-crystal micron-sized particles with outstanding physical and chemical properties, have garnered significant research interest due to their wide-ranging applications across many fields including high temperature structural materials and tool ceramics. Mullite ceramic is a highly chemically stable refractory material with superior mechanical and physical properties such as high hardness and temperature creep

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Fordele ved en siliciumkarbid-inverter til elektriske køretøjer (EV'er)

Siliciumcarbid-inverterteknologi er et spændende fremskridt inden for effekthalvledere. Den har flere fordele i forhold til konventionelle siliciumenheder, herunder lavere effekttab op til ti gange mindre og forbedret termisk ydeevne. McLaren Applied anvender en højspændings CoolSiC metaloxid-halvleder-felteffekttransistor (MOSFET), der er designet specielt til at håndtere højspændingssystemer på 800 volt, som findes i elektriske systemer.

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Siliciumcarbid, bedre kendt som carborundum, er en ekstremt hård syntetisk krystallinsk forbindelse bestående af silicium og kulstof, der er kendetegnet ved høj varmeledningsevne, lav udvidelseskoefficient, modstandsdygtighed over for kemiske reaktioner og halvledende egenskaber. Moissanite, dets naturlige modstykke, forekommer som mineral, men findes kun i meget begrænsede mængder i

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