
Промишлеността на силициевия карбид

Silicon Carbide (SiC) can withstand the high voltage demands of electric vehicle power systems. Wolfspeed offers isolation solutions designed specifically to support SiC designs for traction control inverters. Silicon Carbide Market Growth Automotive industry growth is driving market growth of silicon carbide while its high temperature resistance drive the demand from the refractory sector. Automotive […]

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Silicon Carbide Elevates the Finishing Process

Silicon carbide is an incredible material with exceptional hardness and durability that revolutionizes any crafting toolkit. Craftsmen can utilize it to shape, smooth and level surfaces with precision and ease – elevating their finishing process and providing craftspeople with access to precision finishing capabilities. No matter the material being sanded – delicate veneers or dense

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Какво представлява силициевият карбид?

Silicon carbide is used in electronic devices that amplify, switch or convert signals within an electrical circuit. Due to its lower voltage resistance and temperature capabilities, these devices are able to operate at higher frequencies with less power losses. SiC is produced through an electric furnace using the Acheson process and by heating silica sand

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Предимства на MOSFET от силициев карбид

Silicon Carbide MOSFETs (Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Field-Effect Transistors) are essential elements in power electronic applications, offering wide bandgap, high breakdown voltage and current density characteristics. These power supplies are particularly suited for hard-switching topologies like LLC and ZVS, providing higher system efficiency with smaller components for more compact designs at reduced system costs and an energy efficient

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Структура на силициев карбид

Silicon carbide (SiC) is an ultrahard synthetic material first synthesized in 1891 by Edward Acheson in a furnace heated with carbon and alumina. Since its release into industry as an industrial abrasive in the 1920s, SiC has quickly become one of the most sought-after materials on a large scale. SiC comes in various crystal structures

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Пластина от силициев карбид

Silicon carbide wafers are used as substrates in power electronic devices such as diodes and MOSFETs, offering superior hardness, stability under heat and voltage and non-reactivity with respect to oxidation resistance. Available in 100mm and 150mm diameter sizes. These substrates also provide protection from thermal shock caused by sudden changes in temperature, with their low

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Реакционно свързан силициев карбид

Reaction-bonded silicon carbide is an ultra-resilient ceramic material that offers exceptional strength against impact and wear, thermal shock resistance, and chemical attack. Formulations of porous SiC and carbon particles, when infiltrated with liquid or gaseous silicon, become self-bonding due to chemical reaction between silicon and carbon. Silicon reacts with carbon to form additional silicon carbide

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Топлопроводимост на силициев карбид

Silicon Carbide is one of the hardest and most durable advanced ceramic materials. It can maintain its strength at high temperatures while offering resistance against acids, alkalis and molten salts. CVD SiC, produced through chemical vapor deposition, is an extremely pure form with superior thermal conductivity than sintered or reaction bonded SiC. It is a

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Синтезиран силициев карбид

Silicon carbide is a high-performance ceramic with exceptional hardness, wear resistance and thermal conductivity properties. However, its complex geometry makes precise machining extremely challenging; diamond tools must be employed for maximum accuracy when working with it. Saint-Gobain utilizes multiple manufacturing avenues to craft the highest-grade sintered silicon carbide products. We employ reaction sintering and pressureless

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Тигел от силициев карбид

Тигелите от силициев карбид са предназначени за топене на цветни метали като мед, сребро, злато и олово-цинк в наземни или електрически пещи. Техните характеристики включват висока устойчивост на окисляване, по-малко замърсяване и отлична топлопроводимост. Тигелите често претърпяват повреди поради прегряване; при този сценарий могат да се получат надлъжни пукнатини, простиращи се от долния край до върха, но

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