The Many Uses of Aluminium

Aluminium has numerous applications in packaging, vehicles and construction; its lightweight properties help improve fuel efficiency while decreasing carbon emissions. Furthermore, aluminium plays a crucial role in aircraft production.

The LME primary aluminium futures contract provides price discovery, hedging and investment opportunities to participants throughout the aluminium value chain. As an LME-licensed data vendor, FT Mercati provides real-time quotes for this metal.

Activated alumina

Activated alumina is an inert, porous material used in numerous industrial processes and for defluoridation of drinking water, such as removal of trace metals and acidic impurities from de-fluoridation processes. Furthermore, its ability to absorb moisture, gases, and chemicals makes it invaluable. Adsorption capacity makes Activated Alumina especially valuable in oil and gas industries where its quality-control properties make a substantial impactful difference on quality-related issues in gases and liquids.

The activated alumina market is projected to experience substantial growth over the coming years. This growth can be attributed to rising demand from emerging economies and an influx of new water treatment plants. Alumina manufacturers are taking various strategies to enhance their presence in this sector such as mergers and acquisitions, joint ventures and partnerships that aim to broaden market access while decreasing competition.

Alumina has a special property that allows it to be utilized in various applications, from air separation and purifying gases, purging contaminants from them and even airborne pollution removal. Alumina’s unique structure makes it suitable for various tasks, from air separation, purifying gases and removal contaminants through to air separation itself and air separation with filters. Furthermore, its exceptional adsorption capacity stands out in comparison with attrition resistance as well as high temperature resistance with adjustable pores size and surface area to meet various applications needs.

Food and beverage industries use activated alumina to preserve freshness and prevent spoilage, because its ability to adsorb moisture is one of the primary contributors of microbial growth and staleness in foods. Furthermore, activated alumina is integral in electronics industries where delicate components may become vulnerable due to moisture exposure.

Activated alumina can be found in many packaging solutions for food and beverages, pharmaceuticals and electronic devices. With its unique adsorption properties, activated alumina helps ensure their quality during long distance shipping. As the material can effectively absorb moisture and other gases, extending their shelf life, protecting against corrosion and prolonging electronic component lifespan, it also saves on maintenance costs and downtime, is environmentally safe, regenerating with heat to save maintenance costs, as well as being safe for handlers and the environment. Therefore, this makes it the go-to material for air separation, natural gas purification, petrochemical processing as well as air separation applications.

Calcined alumina

Calcined alumina finds most widespread application in ceramic manufacturing, where it adds strength and high-temperature resistance, as an electrical insulator or as part of rubber compounds to enhance wear resistance or as defloculant in petroleum industries. Furthermore, calcined alumina acts as a catalyst during aluminum manufacturing as well as providing raw material for refining of bauxite ore.

This white colored chemical comes in various grades to meet various industrial needs. For instance, S-300 PT grade can easily pass through a 45 micron sieve for free flow; making this grade suitable for advanced technical ceramics as well as polishing compounds for plastic, metal, and glass as well as friction – anti slip applications as well as Friction – anti slip refractories paints coatings thermal spray powders among many others.

Calcined alumina can also make an excellent additive to glazes, providing matteness and durability while simultaneously reducing shrinkage, increasing thixotropy, and decreasing firing warpage. Furthermore, it can even be used as a deflocculant in the oil and gas industry to keep fractures open during hydraulic fracturing (fracking).

Calcined alumina has many practical uses. It can be added to polymer composite binders to enhance mechanical properties, used as an electrical insulator, mixed with other materials to produce ceramics composed of calcined alumina, or added into polymers to increase thermal stability and flame resistance of their polymeric compounds. Additionally, calcined alumina has also found use as an additive in the petrochemical industry to increase thermal stability and flame resistance of their compounds.

Alumina is an increasingly popular ingredient in refractory products used for casting and pressing operations, providing an affordable alternative to materials like feldspar and quartzite. Alumina boasts excellent corrosion and abrasion resistance and is frequently utilized for use in sand blasting applications.

Demand for alumina in the paints and coatings industry is expected to increase over the coming years, due to its physical and chemical characteristics that are ideal for coatings and paints applications. APEJ markets will experience particularly fast growth while North America and Europe will experience gradual or moderate expansions.

Sodium vapor lamps

Sodium vapor lamps produce light by passing electricity through a combination of gas and vapor, then when activated the electricity causes sodium atoms to emit energy at specific wavelengths, producing yellow-orange light. Popular for street lamps but also often seen in security areas or outdoor settings. A warm-up period must pass before emitting light can begin; additionally a significant amount of voltage needs to be balanced through an appropriate ballast which provides power balance as well as frequency balancing capabilities.

sodium vapor lamps differ from other forms of lighting by not containing mercury and can be safely recycled at the end of their lives without incurring additional costs or restrictions. They’re an ideal choice for tunnel lighting applications as they can be aligned end-to-end to produce an even light source without creating blinding glare caused by high brightness lights; additionally they provide bright, even illumination with great color rendering capabilities and visibility – perfect for road lighting as well!

A sodium vapor lamp produces light which consists of both mercury and sodium atom emission lines, with sodium D-lines being particularly prominent. This high pressure broadened and self-reversed D-line improves color rendering characteristics while simultaneously lowering operational temperatures compared with other lights. Furthermore, sodium vapor lamps are known for their efficiency as well as being great energy savers due to low operating temperatures that allow them to run at lower temperatures than their competitors.

Aluminium oxide (AlO) is an inorganic compound widely used in glass manufacturing and as an ingredient of sodium silicate paints. It features low electrical conductivity, extreme hardness (9 on Mohs scale) and corrosion-resistance. Furthermore, AlO acts as an excellent insulator. Available forms for application include blanket, board, brick and loose fiber products.

Sodium vapor lamps are one of the most widely-used public lighting sources, used widely across many countries for road lighting, parking garage illumination, stadium illumination and stadium seating areas. Their widespread application can also include urban and rural road lighting as well as parking garage illumination and stadium seating areas. Sodium vapor lamps produce no ultraviolet radiation so are safe for hospitals and schools, while remaining cost-effective due to minimal maintenance requirements; additionally they don’t emit any ozone or nitrogen oxide production and thus remain environmentally-friendly.


Alumina is well-renowned for its insulating properties. It can be used as an electrical insulator and in the production of refractory materials, and also boasts numerous applications in chemistry and metallurgy fields. Due to ionic interatomic bonding between its constituent atoms, Alumina offers unique structural characteristics which make it suitable for various uses including high performance ceramic applications. Alumina exists in multiple crystalline phases but will always revert back to its hexagonal alpha phase at elevated temperatures – one reason it boasts such desirable properties including excellent dielectric strength properties.

Alumina coatings are applied in much the same manner as paint or varnish: A viscous liquid bonding agent is combined with aluminum particles in order to form a mixture that can then be brushed, sprayed or painted onto metallic surfaces. This process requires extensive fine-tuning of bonding agent viscosity, heating stages temperature distribution as well as particle size distribution distribution in order to achieve optimum results; scientists liken this work to that of a master chef creating winning recipes.

Figure 9 depicts SEM images of an alumina deposit at different magnifications. The well-defined microstructure consists of flattened round alumina droplets juxtaposed with a significant number of surface cavities connected to its porosity; such features provide for low surface roughness as measured with Mahr M1 perthometers.

Alumina is not only an insulator but also a strong conductor with the capacity of withstanding voltages of up to 2kV/mm without cracking. Due to these special properties, alumina has become the material of choice in numerous industrial, space, and fusion applications.

ABC Corp needs a specific amount of aluminium in four months for production for XYZ Ltd orders (commonly referred to as its “maturity”). At maturity, ABC Corp can purchase this metal directly off the spot market or enter into an LME Aluminium Official Settlement Price-based financial hedge to offset initial physical exposure while providing peace of mind for ABC Corp.

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