O que é carbeto de silício?

Silicon carbide is a hard and covalently-bonded compound of silicon and carbon that is often manufactured as either powder or solid masses for applications requiring high endurance, such as car brakes, clutches and ceramic plates used in bulletproof vests.

Molar mass is calculated based on its formula and periodic table elements to represent its relative weight, often used in gemstone production.

1. Atomic mass

Silicon carbide (also referred to as carborundum) is an inorganic chemical compound composed of solid silicon and carbon. First produced in 1891 by Edward Goodrich Acheson by heating together clay (aluminum silicate) and powdered coke (carbon). Once produced it crystallizes as yellow to green to bluish-black nonmetallic crystals with sublimating decomposition at 2700 degC; its density is 3.21 g cm-3 and it remains insoluble in water while being soluble in alkalis or iron.

Commercially, silica sinter-bonded granular products are most often produced and used as an abrasive or feedstock for industrial furnaces. Mohs scale rating of 9 indicates its extremely hard composition as an extremely hard material that exhibits excellent melting properties with low thermal expansion rates, excellent electrical conductivity properties as a semiconductor semiconductor, strong corrosion and abrasion resistance with excellent fatigue endurance and strong impact resistance properties.

As one of the original mass-produced abrasives in 1893, Silica Carbide has long been used as an effective abrasive. Due to its hardness, it’s widely used in cutting tools and bulletproof vest ceramic plates; and used in electronic applications like light-emitting diodes and detectors found on early radios. Naturally occurring moissanite can also be found in some meteorite deposits or corundum deposits but most silica carbide sold today is synthetically produced.

Asbestos dust has a low toxicological profile and should not pose a significant health threat when inhaled by humans, although it may produce irritation for some exposed workers and produce respiratory symptoms; it has even been found to alter inhalation tuberculosis cases; though not known to be mutagenic; alter the course of bronchitis but not asthma or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and not require special disposal methods or any special conditions of storage (but must remain dry when stored away from water), which requires proper storage if not to come into direct contact with water;

2. Density

Silicon Carbide is a hard chemical compound composed of silicon and carbon, found naturally as the very rare mineral moissanite but mass produced since 1893 for use as an abrasive. Additionally, this hard substance can be fused together using sintering technology to form hard ceramics for high endurance applications like car brake discs or bulletproof vests; cutting tools made from it and other equipment designed to withstand extreme temperatures are also manufactured using this material.

Silicon carbide’s atomic structure is closely packed, with each silicon and carbon atom covalently bound to three other atoms via covalent bonds. This arrangement creates an intriguing semiconductor with interesting electrical properties; resistance varies across compositions by as much as seven orders of magnitude. Silicon carbide is noncombustible and unreactive; however it is soluble in alkalis such as NaOH/KOH as well as iron; however it remains insoluble in water.

Silicon carbide has a molecular weight of 3.21 g cm-3 and can be found as dark gray to black crystalline substance with shiny surfaces, low thermal expansion and excellent conductivity properties. It has a melting point of 2700 degC and can easily be smelted.

Due to its dense composition and key properties, epoxy can be utilized in many demanding applications. Common examples include 3D printing, energy technology, paper production and as abrasives. Furthermore, dynamic sealing technology using friction bearings or mechanical seals (for pumps or drive systems) may use epoxy.

Silicon carbide has many applications due to its dense composition and ability to withstand extreme temperatures. Its thermal expansion rate is generally lower than most metals, enabling its use in very hot environments. Furthermore, due to its strength it can also be used for creating heavy-duty industrial equipment and machinery. Toxicologically safe disposal methods exist – however the dust produced during machining or grinding operations may irritate eyes or respiratory tract systems while extended exposure could result in lung fibrosis.

3. Specific gravity

Silicon carbide has a specific gravity of 3.2 g/cm3. It boasts high sublimation temperatures and impermeability under normal pressure, making it suitable for bearing applications at elevated temperatures. Due to its high melting point and excellent strength properties, silicon carbide casting materials are popularly used. Furthermore, silicon carbide also boasts excellent thermal conductivity as well as electric field breakdown strength characteristics, making it suitable as semiconductor materials.

Edward Acheson became the first scientist to artificially synthesize silicon carbide in 1891 by heating a mixture of clay and powdered coke in an iron bowl using an ordinary carbon arc light as electrodes. Acheson then discovered bright green crystals with significant hardness resembling diamond; Acheson nicknamed this new compound carborundum because of its similarity to natural forms of alumina known as corundum mineral deposits.

Since its commercial production by Acheson’s method in 1904, silicon carbide crystals have been produced commercially using various processes. For instance, dissolving it into molten aluminium can produce alumina while heating silica with carbon in an electric furnace has led to silica being heated until carbon precipitation occurs and then being ground down into powder for industrial abrasives use.

Silicon carbide has quickly become one of the most frequently utilized materials. It serves as an integral component in grinding wheels and other abrasive products, such as paper and cloth products with abrasives, manufacturing high temperature bricks and refractories materials, with Mohs hardness ratings comparable to diamond. Furthermore, its fracture properties make it well suited for high strength machining applications.

Silicon carbide crystallizes into an extremely tightly-packed structure composed of covalently bound silicon and carbon atoms arranged into two primary coordination tetrahedra, each composed of four silicon and four carbon atoms bonded to one another. These tetrahedra can be stacked or oriented in various ways to produce polytypes with distinct electronic bandgaps; each type exhibits its own stacking sequence of the tetrahedra that results in different chemical and physical properties.

4. Melting point

SiC’s melting point is 2,730 degC. It typically appears as yellow-green to bluish-black crystalline compound with an average density of 3.21 g/cm3. Pure SiC is insoluble in water but will dissolve in strong alkalines such as NaOH and KOH as well as iron molten into liquid form. Furthermore, SiC remains insoluble to strong acids like hydrofluoric acid which will dissolve it completely.

Silicon carbide’s crystal structure is tetrahedral, with each silicon atom bonding to four carbon atoms in an interlocked arrangement known as the tetrahedral bonding configuration. This unique bonding configuration gives silicon carbide its unparalleled hardness comparable to that of diamonds. Silicon carbide exists as various polytypes or forms with distinct crystal structures and properties that can be divided into alpha and beta groups; an alpha form (a-SiC) forms at higher temperatures with hexagonal crystal structures while beta forms (b-SiC) form lower temperatures while having zinc blende-type crystal structures similar to diamonds.

Silicon carbide was first created by American inventor Edward G. Acheson in 1891. Acheson heated a mixture of clay and powdered coke in an iron bowl while using both it and an ordinary carbon arc light as electrodes; when his experiment finished he observed bright green crystals with hardness comparable to diamonds attached to one electrode of this carbon electrode arc light; Acheson named this new substance Carborundum after Latin for “alumina”, which is its natural mineral form – thus applying for a U.S. patent on it in 1892.

Silicon carbide has many applications across many industries, from melting non-ferrous metals and glasses, production of float glass, heat treatment of steel and cast iron, production of ceramics and electronics components, corrosion resistant properties are particularly valuable under high temperature and pressure environments – as seen with automobile brakes/clutches as well as bulletproof vests which utilize it. Silicon carbide remains one of the hardest advanced ceramic materials used today with exceptional corrosion resistance qualities making it suitable for melting nonferrous metals/glasses as well as high temperature/pressure environments allowing it to be utilized.

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