
Silicon carbide is an extremely useful material with applications in numerous industries. While naturally found as moissanite mineral deposits, most Silicon Carbide (SC) production nowadays takes place synthetically. With its high breakage voltage and low turn-on resistance, silicon wafers make excellent components for semiconductor devices. Furthermore, their corrosion resistance ensures it can withstand high temperatures

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Silicon Carbide IGBT and Power MOSFETs

Silicon carbide is a compound often utilized in power electronics devices. It possesses various attributes that can improve performance over silicon-based devices, including increased blocking voltage capacities and reduced specific on-resistance. Littelfuse’s research on these attributes has resulted in new technology designed to increase efficiency within AGPU-based systems. Littelfuse has successfully conducted extensive trials using

Silicon Carbide IGBT and Power MOSFETs 阅读更多 "


Silicon carbide balls are designed to withstand harsh environments and can be found in numerous applications ranging from bearings and energy systems, to precision semiconductor manufacturing. Carborundum occurs naturally as the mineral moissanite, but has been mass produced since 1893 for use as an abrasive material and raw material in steelmaking. Hardness Silicon carbide (SiC)

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碳化硅是一种半导体材料,其特性介于金属和绝缘体之间。后者取决于温度和晶体结构中存在的杂质等因素;而前者的电气特性也取决于这些变量。1891 年,爱德华-古德里奇-艾奇逊(Edward Goodrich Acheson)在尝试使用电炉生产人造钻石时,首次创造了碳化硅。

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