À quoi sert le carbure de silicium ?

Silicon Carbide (SiC) is widely utilized across industries due to its versatile properties that make it especially beneficial in high voltage power semiconductor devices like the ones found in electric vehicle traction inverters.

Ceramic materials such as this refractory and ceramic material boast resistance to high heat and thermal shock, have excellent mechanical strength and a very low rate of expansion.


Silicon carbide is a hard and tough material widely utilized in various industrial processes due to its stable chemical properties, high thermal conductivity, low expansion coefficient and wear resistance. Silicon carbide can be manufactured into various abrasive products including grinding wheels, sandpaper, abrasive belts, oil stones, abrasive blocks and grinding heads to cut metals, ceramics, glass and nonferrous materials – as well as used in sandblasting to remove paint, rust or any surface contaminants from surfaces contaminated surfaces.

Abrasive silicon carbide is an increasingly popular choice in modern lapidary due to its durability and affordability. Available in various grit sizes to meet the needs of stone cutting or polishing applications. Electronics companies also utilize it for producing splicing films which ensure high quality fiber-optic strands are polished to their required smoothness before joining them together.

Black silicon carbide (sometimes known as tetragonal SiC or 3C-SiC) is a semi-friable abrasive with medium density that has good corrosion resistance but less acid resistance than sintered silicon carbide. Designed as a vitrified or resin bonded process product, black silicon carbide offers excellent corrosion resistance but less resistance against acids than sintered SiC.


Silicon carbide is an extremely durable refractory material often utilized in kilns, furnaces and other industrial settings. Withstanding temperatures up to 1,800degF (982degC), resisting acids, alkalis and other corrosive chemicals and having excellent thermal conductivity and strength properties; silicon carbide provides reliable protection from extreme conditions.

Resistance furnace smelting produces high-grade steel from raw materials like quartz sand, petroleum coke and wood chips, which is then refined further via chemical processing to produce various grades with different particle sizes and properties for various uses. Steelmaking applications as well as ceramic production benefit greatly from using steel making scrap for making steel-making billets; in addition, its versatility makes it useful in insulating and lining applications such as kilns crucibles muffles chamber fronts lining applications as well.

Carborundum is a hard, crystalline compound of silicon and carbon with the chemical formula SiC that is commonly known as carborundum. While naturally found as moissanite in very limited quantities, most often produced synthetically for use as an abrasive powder and gemstone production. Carborundum finds widespread application as an abrasive powder in products like grinding wheels, cutting tools and sandpaper; its production also supplies refractory bricks used in kilns and furnaces as well as being utilized in advanced electronic applications requiring high temperature/voltage applications such as light-emitting diodes (LEDs) for early radio receivers.


Silicon carbide has long been used in abrasives and refractory materials, yet its electrical properties are becoming more noteworthy over time. Silicon carbide’s unique resistance to high temperatures, voltages, and extreme conditions makes it an invaluable replacement material for semiconductor materials like gallium nitride or even ordinary silicon in power electronics applications.

Silicon carbide for semiconductor applications differs significantly from its abrasive and refractory cousins in that its production occurs through sintered material production rather than powder blending with binder. Edward Goodrich Acheson invented this modern manufacturing method back in 1891: Silica sand mixed with carbon (in the form of ground coke) is heated until it forms one solid piece in an electrical resistance furnace until sintering occurs.

The resultant material is durable, resistant to corrosion and easily formed into shapes for different applications by repeatedly sintering it. Doping can alter its electrical characteristics; commonly adding elements like boron and aluminum for an n-type semiconductor and beryllium and gallium as p-type semiconductors.

EAG Laboratories has extensive experience analyzing silicon carbide using both bulk and spatially resolved analyses techniques, to understand its electrical characteristics.


Silicon carbide, more commonly referred to as carborundum /krbrndm/, is an extraordinarily hard, synthetic crystalline compound of silicon and carbon with the formula SiC. Although naturally found as moissanite mineral deposits, silicon carbide powder production started mass-producing after 1893 for use as an abrasive and in hard ceramic applications like grinding wheels and bulletproof vest plates.

Recently, silicon has found widespread applications as a semiconductor electronic device, particularly power electronics. Due to its unique physical and electrical properties, silicon makes an excellent material choice for devices operating at higher temperatures or voltages.

Silicon carbide stands apart from most industrial compounds by acting as an electrical insulator until doped with impurities that alter its band gap, such as aluminum and boron doping for P-type semiconductors and phosphorus and nitrogen doping for N-type semiconductors.

Manufacturers develop cubic silicon carbide through various processes, including confinement controlled sublimation growth techniques such as chemical vapor deposition. In this method, a mixture of gases enter a vacuum environment where they react, eventually depositing onto substrate. Chemical vapor deposition is often used as part of carbon-based semiconductor synthesis processes; chemical vapor deposition also yields graphene; however confinement controlled sublimation yields superior quality graphene material which makes this method difficult to work with; consequently it cannot be scaled-up large scale production.

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