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Silicon carbide is an extremely useful material with applications in numerous industries. While naturally found as moissanite mineral deposits, most Silicon Carbide (SC) production nowadays takes place synthetically. With its high breakage voltage and low turn-on resistance, silicon wafers make excellent components for semiconductor devices. Furthermore, their corrosion resistance ensures it can withstand high temperatures

Siliziumkarbid-Anwendungen Mehr lesen "

Siliziumkarbid-IGBTs und Leistungs-MOSFETs

Silicon carbide is a compound often utilized in power electronics devices. It possesses various attributes that can improve performance over silicon-based devices, including increased blocking voltage capacities and reduced specific on-resistance. Littelfuse’s research on these attributes has resulted in new technology designed to increase efficiency within AGPU-based systems. Littelfuse has successfully conducted extensive trials using

Siliziumkarbid-IGBTs und Leistungs-MOSFETs Mehr lesen "

Silicon Carbide Balls

Silicon carbide balls are designed to withstand harsh environments and can be found in numerous applications ranging from bearings and energy systems, to precision semiconductor manufacturing. Carborundum occurs naturally as the mineral moissanite, but has been mass produced since 1893 for use as an abrasive material and raw material in steelmaking. Hardness Silicon carbide (SiC)

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Optik und Passivierungseigenschaften von Siliziumkarbid (SiC)-Schichten

Silicon Carbide (SiC) has rapidly emerged as an ideal material for monolithically integrated photonics applications, due to its combination of high refractive index, wide bandgap, low thermal expansion coefficient, and excellent rigidity properties. SiC is also an excellent material choice for making mirrors in astronomical telescopes. Ellipsometric results illustrate that transmittance and refractive index of

Optik und Passivierungseigenschaften von Siliziumkarbid (SiC)-Schichten Mehr lesen "

Warum Siliziumkarbid eine gute Wahl für die elektrische Leitfähigkeit und andere Anwendungen ist

Silicon carbide is an advanced semiconductor material capable of conducting electricity at high temperatures while remaining resistant to oxidation and handling high voltages, making it the perfect material choice for applications such as car brakes and clutches as well as bulletproof vests. Dopants such as aluminum, boron and gallium can help control the electrical conductivity

Warum Siliziumkarbid eine gute Wahl für die elektrische Leitfähigkeit und andere Anwendungen ist Mehr lesen "

Die elektrischen Eigenschaften von Siliziumkarbid

Silicon carbide is a semiconductor material with properties between metals and insulators. The latter depends on factors like temperature and impurities present within its crystal structure; as for the former, electrical properties depend on these variables as well. Edward Goodrich Acheson first created SiC in 1891 while trying to produce artificial diamonds using an electric

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Die Wärmeleitfähigkeit und Festigkeit von Siliziumkarbid

Silicon Carbide (SiC) is a durable non-oxide ceramic known for its strength and heat resistance. It can be found in applications that demand high thermal endurance with minimal expansion. SiC’s thermal conductivity rises with temperature up to a certain point; however, due to impurities or structural defects it gradually decreases over time – this phenomenon

Die Wärmeleitfähigkeit und Festigkeit von Siliziumkarbid Mehr lesen "

Siliziumkarbid-Technologie für die Leistungselektronik

Silicon carbide technology has seen tremendous growth among power electronics manufacturers. This trend can largely be attributed to an increasing demand for electric vehicles and related charging infrastructures. SiC is an excellent material to use for various applications due to its incredible hardness, strength, and corrosion-resistance properties. High Temperature Silicon carbide has gained increased attention

Siliziumkarbid-Technologie für die Leistungselektronik Mehr lesen "

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