Теплопроводность карбида кремния

Silicon Carbide (SiC) is an extremely hard chemical compound consisting of silicon and carbon that forms semiconductor devices, and can be formed into hard ceramic materials for applications requiring high durability such as car brakes and bulletproof vests.

SiC is widely recognized for its superior thermal conductivity. Here we explore the relationship between thermal conductivity, phase composition and microstructure in 3C-SiC.


Silicon carbide ceramic is one of the hardest, strongest and heat-resistant ceramics on the market. Additionally, its corrosion-resistance and thermal conductivity properties make it suitable for cutting tools, grinding wheels and abrasives, wear-resistant components like seal faces for high temperature pumps and semiconductor substrates.

High-purity SiC has an extremely high thermal conductivity – comparable to diamond and higher than copper! The low thermal expansion and high conductivity make it an excellent refractory material.

GNPs were successfully integrated into dense silicon carbide through liquid-phase spark plasma sintering using Y2O3 and Al2O3 as sintering aids, and their incorporation resulted in high thermal anisotropy with ab-plane thermal diffusivity increasing by 30% perpendicular to the SPS pressing axis while diminishing significantly perpendicular. This can be explained by strong p-doping of these composites.

Тепловое расширение

Silicon Carbide (SiC) is one of the lightest, hardest, and strongest advanced ceramic materials available. It boasts many advanced properties such as chemical resistance, strength retention at elevated temperatures, and low thermal expansion rates.

Due to its ability to withstand rapid temperature changes, or thermal shock, titanium is an ideal material for components used in nuclear power plants and aircraft engines. Furthermore, its properties make it suitable for use as the mirror material of several astronomical telescopes such as Herschel Space Telescope.

3C-SiC exhibits low thermal expansion due to its cubic crystal structure and absence of long-range strains such as dislocations. However, it should be noted that SiC’s thermal conductivity increases with increasing electron concentration – potentially altering its expansion properties and behaviour.

BO-TDTR measurements show an in-plane k value which corresponds with the intrinsic 320 W m-1K-1 value estimated from first principles calculations for perfect 6H-SiC samples, thus validating commercially available samples as high quality.

Модуль Юнга

Young’s modulus measures the stiffness of materials, measuring how resistant they are to deformation. Engineers and materials scientists find it invaluable when designing structures or products, as it enables them to calculate how much force a material can withstand before being bent or broken by applying force on it.

Young’s modulus measures elastic properties while its inelastic or rigid qualities. You can measure its value by exerting controlled tension on it using slotted masses that create controlled tension and deformation of material samples.

Young’s modulus testing results vary depending on the method used to manufacture samples, with those made using inert gas condensation having significantly lower Young’s moduli than those produced using other processes. Furthermore, Ti-Nb binary alloys displaystyle with decreasing C’ (calculated Young’s modulus using Hill approximation); thus decreasing its Young’s modulus along with an elastic constant reduction.

Устойчивость к коррозии

Silicon Carbide (SiC) is an inorganic semiconductor compound composed of carbon and silicon that offers great mechanical and thermal properties. SiC is highly thermal shock resistant; meaning that rapid temperature fluctuations don’t damage its material structure.

Steel is also resistant to corrosion from acids, making it ideal for applications requiring corrosion-resistance as well as its high hardness and rigidity. Furthermore, its low thermal expansion rate makes this material suitable for rapid temperature changes.

SiC is an ideal material for metalworking applications that involve high levels of physical wear, such as plating with nickel silicon carbide or tungsten silicide cladding. Furthermore, SiC can also be found used for wafer tray supports and paddles in semiconductor furnaces where physical wear is a major concern; pairing this material with boron carbide ceramic composites offers maximum strength-to-durability ratio for these uses.

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