Liquid Sodium Aluminate

Liquid sodium aluminate serves multiple functions within water treatment systems, including as an effective coagulant to remove silica and phosphates, an alkali to adjust and regulate pH levels in various processes, and an aluminum source.

Noncombustible; decomposes under heat to form toxic fumes that are both corrosive and toxic; reacts violently with acids; corrosive to metals. For your safety, wear protective clothing and eyewear when handling or disposing of this chemical.

Water Treatment

NaSodium Aluminate, more commonly referred to as “alum or coagulant”, is widely used for water purification in both the drinking and waste water treatment sectors, acting as an effective coagulant and remover of suspended solids. As it generates heat during reactions with acids, sodium aluminate provides a highly alkaline treatment option with acidic pH conditions or low alkalinity water treatments. Furthermore, its distinct chemical composition distinguishes it from similar aluminum/iron salts such as aluminum sulfate which are usually employed for water purification purposes.

Sodium aluminate is an inorganic compound with multiple applications in various industrial and technical settings. From papermaking, textile mordanting, curing of specialty cements faster, phosphate removal in wastewater treatment systems and fire resistance in construction materials; to chemical synthesis as a pH adjuster – sodium aluminate has many uses across industry and technology sectors.

As an iron salts alternative, sodium aluminate produces less chemical sludge while providing greater tolerance to high temperatures. Furthermore, sodium aluminate can raise alkaline content of water without the need for lime or caustic soda; unlike many coagulants it is soluble both cold and hot water environments.

Phosphorus Removal

Sodium aluminate’s catalytic properties make it an excellent way to extract phosphorus from water sources, an integral step towards combatting eutrophication in lakes and rivers. When combined with activated carbon it often achieves higher reductions than metal coagulants or non-metallic phosphorus sorbents can achieve.

Water and Wastewater Treatment When applied as part of the coagulation process, sodium aluminate dissolves easily in water, discharging hydroxide ions that form large flocs to reduce turbidity – providing greater efficiency than calcium or magnesium hydroxides alone.

NaSodium Aluminate Can Help Treat Metal Surfaces

Beyond being an alumino-ionic coagulant, sodium aluminate also serves as a powerful base that can be used to improve corrosion resistance and aesthetic appeal of metal surfaces. This includes treating ferrous as well as nonferrous metals such as steel, stainless steel, aluminum, zinc, nickel copper titanium zirconium.

Other Applications of Sodium Aluminate Beyond water and wastewater treatment, sodium aluminate has numerous uses beyond just treating waste water, including use as an abrasive in blast cleaning operations, raw material for refractory production, the manufacture of glasses and enamels, adhesives and sealants to improve properties, oil and gas industry use it to prevent galling and erosion, fire retardant materials as an ingredient and to treat tanks for corrosion prevention; while its highly corrosive nature poses risks when exposed to air when handling it can release toxic fumes into the atmosphere.

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