

Silicon carbide (SiC) is an inorganic ceramic material widely used in mechanically and thermally demanding applications, second only to boron carbide and diamond in terms of hardness. Carborundum was first discovered by American inventor Edward G. Acheson while trying to produce artificial diamonds in 1891 and has become an indispensable component in cutting tools and […]

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碳化硅是一种神奇的陶瓷,具有许多有用的特性,包括强度、硬度、耐久性、耐腐蚀性和导电性。Edward Acheson 于 1891 年首次人工合成了碳化硅。虽然与之对应的矿物莫桑石是天然存在的,但如今生产的大多数碳化硅都是以碳化硅的名义合成的。高温耐火材料 碳化硅(SiC)是一种非常有用的非氧化物,可用于制造高温耐火材料。

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碳化硅砂纸是家庭装修 DIY 爱好者不可或缺的伙伴,从除锈、平滑粗糙表面到底漆和两层油漆之间的打磨,碳化硅砂纸每次都能提供可靠的效果!在购买碳化硅砂纸盘时,主要考虑的因素之一应该是砂纸的粒度。这是

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碳化硅管价格 碳化硅管是一种经过精心设计的部件,可在工业应用中承受极端温度。碳化硅管具有卓越的耐腐蚀性和抗氧化性、出色的导热性和较长的使用寿命,因此是非常抢手的部件。这些碳化硅管经久耐用,易于处理,因此有足够的理由将其纳入您的产品中。

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silicon carbide thermocouple protection tube

Types of Silicon Carbide Thermocouple Protection Tubes Thermocouple protection tubes are an essential element in any industrial kiln using metals such as aluminum, zinc and copper. They shield thermocouple terminals from harsh environments, thermal shocks and direct flame impingements. German physicist Thomas Seebeck discovered that when two dissimilar metals with different temperatures came into contact,

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Nitride-bonded silicon carbide (NBSIC) is widely known for its superior mechanical strength and thermal stability. Furthermore, NBSIC features exceptional oxidation resistance that makes it suitable for harsh environments. Due to its low thermal expansion coefficient, high hardness, rigidity and thermal conductivity properties, rubber makes a versatile material suitable for many uses. It can withstand high

氮化键合碳化硅 阅读更多 "


碳化硅砂纸适用于许多不同的任务,从平滑表面、去除旧油漆或底漆,到金属和未加工的木材表面都能很好地处理。美世的防水树脂粘合砂纸具有优异的纹理附着力,可使用润滑剂进行湿磨或干磨,因此这些 9 英寸 x 11 英寸的砂纸耐热,适用于以下用途

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