Silisyum Karbür Aşındırıcı

Silicon carbide is an abrasive material commonly found in grinding wheels, sanding belts and blast media. As an inorganic chemical compound it competes with diamond and boron carbide in terms of hardness.

Black silicon carbide (Carborundum) is one of the most commonly used abrasives, featuring hard and angular grains that make for effective processing of materials with low tensile strength such as metal and non-ferrous stone.


Silicon carbide (commonly referred to as Carborundum or SiC) is a hard chemical compound composed of silicon and carbon that occurs naturally as moissanite mineral but has been mass produced since 1893 for use as an abrasive. Grain of silicon carbide can also be bonded together using sintering to form extremely hard ceramics used for applications requiring high endurance, such as bulletproof vest plates.

Abrasion can damage surfaces, but when done correctly it can create a smoother surface suitable for paint and coating applications. Common abrasives include natural minerals like emery and garnet as well as manmade options like brown aluminum oxide, ceramic alumina and alumina-zirconia; each has their own set of advantages and disadvantages depending on application, desired result and cost considerations.

Hardness of abrasive grains determines how much force is necessary to fracture them and expose sharp edges, and Mohs hardness ratings provide an indicator. Silicon carbide boasts a Mohs rating of 9.2, making it second only to diamond and cubic boron nitride when it comes to hardness.

Black silicon carbide blast media has the highest abrasive efficiency of all types of industrial grit. Furthermore, its recycling qualities allow it to outlive its counterparts; and with multiple blast cycles possible using one single piece, making this an excellent solution for use in industries such as abrasive wheels, slurry systems and refractories.


Silicon carbide (commonly referred to as black sic or Carborundum) boasts hardness levels comparable to diamond, making it one of the toughest common abrasive grains available today. As such, its hardness makes it ideal for use on tough materials and rough surfaces; including wet polishing applications. Recyclable blast media with this level of hardness make it an attractive cost-cutting choice for businesses that must maintain current sandblasting equipment without costly downtime or replacement expenses.

This type of abrasive works well on numerous materials, from wood finishes and stone surfaces to metal and soft ones like glass and rubber. It’s also a popular choice for automotive sanding as it effectively removes paint and rust from vehicle components and bodywork.

Silicon carbide abrasives are known for being extremely sharp, cutting through materials quickly. This is particularly evident with blocky or angular grits; with regular use they tend to microfracture and remain sharp for an extended period. Because silicon carbide-containing sanding belts work best on hard materials or rough surfaces while more fragile medias such as brown aluminum oxide or boron carbide work better on soft ones such as soft leather. Silicon carbide-containing blast media may also be utilized in rock tumbling applications; breaking apart harder materials into more finely-grained sands.


Silicon carbide abrasives are hard, sharp and durable abrasives ideal for blasting harder materials like ceramics, glass, stone, marble and cork. Their toughness also makes them suitable for cutting metals like aluminum and harder ones like steel while their sharp edge also works to etch away coatings on substrates to be ready to receive coatings later on. Unfortunately, unlike alumina abrasives they do not retain heat resistance well and degrade rapidly when subjected to intensive blast cycles with higher temperatures generated from blast cycles than alumina would.

Aluminum oxide, on the other hand, can withstand higher temperatures more effectively and therefore provides more versatility and cost-efficiency than silicon carbide. Aluminum oxide can also be utilized with softer materials like wood and nonmetallic materials like plastics. Grit sizes range from coarse through fine textures for both wet and dry operations.

Aluminum oxide and silicon carbide abrasive grains are two of the most frequently used in different applications. Each has their own distinct advantages and disadvantages, so it is important to fully understand your application before selecting an abrasive. KLEEN BLAST can assist in finding you the ideal grain type abrasive for your project – simply contact one of our regional distribution centers to speak to an experienced member of our team today or arrange shipping from one of our warehouses located throughout California, Oregon or Washington!


Silicon carbide (SiC) is an inorganic chemical compound composed of both silicon and carbon atoms, occurring naturally as moissanite mineral but mass produced since 1893 for use as an abrasive in industry and as heat resistant material in refractory components and semiconductor devices.

Carborundum abrasives are manufactured through the combination of high-grade silica sand with coal (petroleum coke) in electric resistance furnaces, an energy-intensive process which produces waste products and emissions; workers who frequently work with carborundum can develop lung conditions such as diffuse interstitial pulmonary fibrosis from prolonged exposure.

Silicon carbide blasting media lasts much longer than aluminum oxide and can be recycled repeatedly without losing its abrasive qualities. This saves users money while simultaneously minimizing waste generation. KLEEN BLAST maintains five regional warehouses across the United States to provide quick and efficient delivery of high-performance abrasives – our extensive supply ensures timely replacement.

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