Silisyum Karbür Tanımı

Silicon carbide (SiC) is an inorganic ceramic material widely used in mechanically and thermally demanding applications, second only to boron carbide and diamond in terms of hardness. Carborundum was first discovered by American inventor Edward G. Acheson while trying to produce artificial diamonds in 1891 and has become an indispensable component in cutting tools and […]

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Yeniden Kristalize Edilmiş Silisyum Karbür Neden Yüksek Sıcaklık Uygulamaları İçin En İyi Refrakter Malzemedir?

Silisyum karbür, mukavemeti, korozyon direnci ve termal iletkenlik özellikleri nedeniyle yüksek sıcaklık uygulamaları gerektiren uygulamalar için yaygın olarak kullanılan olağanüstü bir seramik malzemedir. Yeniden kristalize edilmiş silisyum karbür, buharlaştırma ve pıhtılaştırma işlemleriyle üretilir ve 11%-15%'lik açık bir gözenekliliğe sahiptir, bu da minimum büzülme ile ısıtmayı kolaylaştırır; böylece ilişkili dezavantajların çoğunu ortadan kaldırır

Yeniden Kristalize Edilmiş Silisyum Karbür Neden Yüksek Sıcaklık Uygulamaları İçin En İyi Refrakter Malzemedir? Daha Fazla Oku "

Silisyum Karbür Ne İçin Kullanılır?

Silisyum karbür, güç, sertlik, dayanıklılık, korozyon direnci ve elektrik iletkenliği gibi birçok yararlı özelliğe sahip harika bir seramiktir. Edward Acheson ilk olarak 1891 yılında SiC'yi yapay olarak sentezlemiştir. Mineral muadili olan mozanit doğal olarak bulunsa da, günümüzde üretilen SiC'nin çoğu Carborundum adı altında sentetik olarak üretilmektedir. Yüksek sıcaklık refrakterleri Silisyum karbür (SiC) son derece kullanışlı bir oksit olmayan

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silicon carbide tube price

Silicon Carbide Tube Price Silicon carbide tubes are highly engineered components designed to withstand extreme temperatures in industrial applications. Their superior resistance to corrosion and oxidation, excellent thermal conductivity, and long operational lifespan make them highly sought-after components. These tubes are durable and easy to handle, providing plenty of reasons to include them in your

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silicon carbide composition

What Is Silicon Carbide Composition? Silicon carbide (SiC) is an extremely hard and sturdy chemical compound composed of silicon and carbon that features wide band gap semiconductor properties for use in high temperature and voltage electronic devices. SiC is found naturally as a mineral known as moissanite and was first mass-produced as an abrasive in

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silicon carbide thermocouple protection tube

Types of Silicon Carbide Thermocouple Protection Tubes Thermocouple protection tubes are an essential element in any industrial kiln using metals such as aluminum, zinc and copper. They shield thermocouple terminals from harsh environments, thermal shocks and direct flame impingements. German physicist Thomas Seebeck discovered that when two dissimilar metals with different temperatures came into contact,

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Nitrür Bağlayıcılı Silisyum Karbür

Nitride-bonded silicon carbide (NBSIC) is widely known for its superior mechanical strength and thermal stability. Furthermore, NBSIC features exceptional oxidation resistance that makes it suitable for harsh environments. Due to its low thermal expansion coefficient, high hardness, rigidity and thermal conductivity properties, rubber makes a versatile material suitable for many uses. It can withstand high

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