실리콘 카바이드 그릿

Black silicon carbide grit is one of the most popularly used abrasives for use in rock tumblers, boasting an Mohs scale hardness of 9.1. Only diamond and boron carbide grits surpass this material’s hardness rating.

This makes them perfect for smoothening rough rocks to an elegant surface finish, particularly when used in combination with aluminum oxide abrasives.


Black silicon carbide abrasives are often considered one of the hardest materials available for use, second only to diamond and boron carbide abrasives. Due to its exceptional hardness and durability, these materials make for great tools when used to tumble and polish different materials like glass, metal, and gemstones.

Black silicon carbide is frequently employed for grinding nonferrous metals and finishing hard and tough materials that prove challenging to grind with other media, as well as for use in abrasive wheels, slurry systems and refractories.

Tumble, polish and sandblast abrasives made with this material are widely used by jewelry industries, lapidary work, metal etching, woodworking, ceramics and kiln shelves to achieve different finishes and effects. Also popularly used to add texture and add color to a finished piece. Used frequently when prepping wood or metal for painting and varnishing applications – however due to its brittle nature and potential health impacts when inhaled directly. When working with this grit it is vitally important that proper equipment and wear protection be used due to its potentially hazardous health impacts when inhaled.


Silicon carbide’s sharp particles form sharp points and edges that make it an effective grinding and cutting abrasive for use in rock tumblers, and its affordability makes it more affordable than green aluminum oxide while having a longer service life.

Black silicon carbide may not be as pure as green silicon carbide, but it remains hard and durable, making it an excellent choice for use in bonded abrasive wheels, slurry applications and refractories. Furthermore, its chemical inertness allows it to withstand high temperatures when forming ceramic pieces like kiln shelves, muffle bricks or furnace skid rails.

60/90 grit is ungraded, meaning that its particle sizes vary. This makes it suitable for the coarse step in four-step tumbling and polishing sequences as well as flat lapping, filler barrels with low levels of abrasives or flat lapping applications. Please be aware that silicon carbide dust created during grinding or cutting processes may be harmful if inhaled directly.


Silicon carbide grit may not be harmful to work with, but breathing in its dust could be. When working with it, adhere to safety guidelines and utilize a respirator as needed. Furthermore, avoid eating, drinking, smoking or touching any contaminated materials during or after working with silicon carbide grit – and always wash your hands after doing these activities!

Production involves reacting and sintering at high temperatures, and results in an abrasive that can be used for sandblasting, grinding and water-jet cutting. Furthermore, it may be applied as a surface finish for glass or marble slabs as well as grinding pigments for paint applications.

We carry coarse, medium and fine black silicon carbide grit for rock tumbling and polishing applications. Additionally, we offer complete tumbling grit kits including everything necessary for getting started with rock tumbling or polishing. These kits offer more economical purchase of this abrasive; in turn saving both time and effort in the long run! Additionally, this will prevent random scratches appearing on your rocks.


Silicon carbide is widely used for sandblasting and tumbling processes to smooth and polish materials such as metal, gemstone, and glass. Due to its hardness, silicon carbide excels at removing rough edges or old coatings from products’ surfaces while its thermal resistance allows it to perform in high temperature environments. Furthermore, silicon carbide finds numerous artistic uses such as etching glass panels, carving stone sculptures and rock tumbling.

Manufacturers create silicon carbide grit in blocky and angular grains that constantly break down to produce sharp cutting edges. After being crushed and screened into various sizes for use as sandblasting media, grinding media, cutting media or polishing media.

Black silicon carbide grit is frequently utilized in rotary tumblers as the first stage of a three-stage grit and polish sequence, producing beautifully polished “rock mud” in just days or weeks. Use caution when handling this abrasive; always wear protective gear when grinding or tumbling it, especially powder form which could contain silica dust which could be harmful if inhaled; use only in areas with sufficient ventilation.

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