Silicon carbide wafers are used as substrates in power electronic devices such as diodes and MOSFETs, offering superior hardness, stability under heat and voltage and non-reactivity with respect to oxidation resistance. Available in 100mm and 150mm diameter sizes.
These substrates also provide protection from thermal shock caused by sudden changes in temperature, with their low coefficient of thermal expansion making them suitable for small devices and packing more transistors onto one chip.
High-performance semiconductor
Silicon carbide is an incredibly flexible semiconductor material, perfect for use in power electronics applications of all kinds. Thanks to its wide bandgap and high breakdown electric field, silicon carbide offers significant efficiency gains when employed properly.
Silicon Carbide (SiC) wafers are essential components for efficient power electronic devices, providing unparalleled durability in high temperature and extreme environmental conditions. Their superior thermal conductivity also enables heat to dissipate during operation, making SiC an excellent candidate for demanding power applications.
Silicon carbide substrates offer many advantages over more commonly used materials like silicon and sapphire, including their hardness. Furthermore, these non-reactive substrates do not react with acids, alkalis or molten salts at high temperature, and feature low thermal expansion rates and thermal shock resistance that contribute to their toughness.
SiC wafer quality can be measured through factors like its crystal orientation, surface roughness, defect density and wafer size. To accurately evaluate these elements using advanced characterization methods like X-ray topography and photoluminescence mapping enables manufacturers to monitor performance while meeting industry standards.
Wide bandgap
Wide-bandgap semiconductors are essential in powering future generations of high-performance electronic devices. Their exceptional properties – including wide energy gaps, high breakdown electric fields and outstanding thermal conductivities – make them a fantastic choice for power electronics and radio frequency (RF) applications.
The bandgap of a material is an energy barrier separating its valence and conduction bands, and indicates whether or not it can amplify or switch electronic signals and electrical power.
Silicon carbide is the most frequently-used wide-bandgap semiconductor material. It is widely employed in radio frequency (RF) applications and high-speed transistors operating at higher voltages and temperatures, as well as power conversion systems that form integral parts of renewable energy and grid infrastructure systems.
SiC’s wide bandgap allows these semiconductors to operate at higher voltages with lower losses, meaning less wasted energy is lost in transmission speed increases and frequency boosts for communications systems. Thus, making SiC one of the most promising technologies for future electronics, energy efficiency and sustainability.
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Silicon carbide is widely used for fabricating electronic devices for various applications. This material boasts high conductivity and thermal shock resistance – features which make it particularly well suited to devices operating at high temperatures or voltages.
Durability and chemical inertness make the material ideal. It won’t react with acids or alkalis and can withstand temperatures up to 2700degC without melting down. Furthermore, its energy bandgap allows it to resist electromagnetic disturbances and radiation.
Silicon Carbide (SiC) wafers are essential elements of advanced electronic devices. Constructed from single crystal ingots composed of high-purity sapphire, germanium or silicon that is then cut with precision saws into wafers for fabrication purposes – 4H-SiC and 6H-SiC wafers are particularly popular due to their higher electron mobility and wider bandgap properties – these applications include short wavelength optics, high temperature semiconductors and power electronics applications.
Low ON-resistance
Silicon Carbide (SiC) wafers form the backbone of state-of-the-art power semiconductor technology and are essential to renewable energy, electric vehicle, and aerospace applications. Unfortunately, manufacturing SiC wafers is an intensive and complex process.
Silicon carbide differs from silicon in having a wider bandgap, meaning electrons find it more difficult to cross over from its valence band to conduction band and vice versa. This difference allows silicon carbide substrates to withstand higher electric fields.
Silicon carbide wafers offer low ON resistance and are hard enough to withstand even the harshest environments, making them perfect for high temperature applications such as electric vehicle inverters and industrial equipment.
Manufacturers using chemical-based polishing slurry and felt or polyurethane-impregnated polishing pads to produce SiC wafers use chemical polishing slurries with polyurethane-impregnated polishing pads to remove oxide layer damage on substrate surfaces and then apply polyurethane or silicon nitride film protection after polishing to produce a smooth substrate surface and protect from further damage during processing steps. They can produce up to ten 150mm wafers using single wafer batch tools but production capacity restrictions limit market production capacities.
High hardness
Silicon Carbide (SiC) wafers are essential in driving forward many of the technologies we rely on today, from power electronics to 5G networks. SiC stands to transform various semiconductor applications.
SiC is a compound semiconductor composed of silicon and carbon atoms bonded together into an innovative crystal structure called tetrahedral bonding configuration, leading to various unique physical properties. First produced commercially as an industrial abrasive in 1893, its use has since grown into numerous semiconductor applications including Schottky diodes (both Junction Barrier Schottky diodes as well as Junction Barrier Schottky diodes), switches, and metal oxide semiconductor field-effect transistors.
Contrary to traditional silicon wafers, silicon carbide offers superior resistance against oxidation and chemical inertness while possessing strong mechanical strength – it is the only semiconductor material capable of withstanding space conditions such as extreme temperatures and radiation levels.
Establishing a high-quality SiC wafer begins by creating a smooth surface with low roughness. Chemical Mechanical Polishing (CMP), the final step in wafer production, serves to prepare its substrate for epitaxial growth while imparting minimum changes to wafer shape.