Productos de carburo de silicio

Silicon carbide (SiC) is an extremely hard, synthetically produced crystalline compound of silicon and carbon that finds applications across industries including refractory linings for industrial furnaces, high temperature petrochemical applications and semiconductor electronics substrates. Black silicon carbide is a tough yet friable abrasive material commonly used for processing low-tensile strength materials like glass and stone. […]

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Unlock Industrial Processes With a Silicon Carbide Heating Element

Unleash the full potential of your industrial processes with premium silicon carbide heating elements. These tough, corrosion-resistant devices can be tailored specifically to the design of your furnace. Keith Company provides various silicon carbide heating elements tailored to specific industrial applications, such as the GC Type. This element was designed for continuous high temperature operations

Unlock Industrial Processes With a Silicon Carbide Heating Element Leer más »

Moissanite – A Gemstone Substitute

Moissanite, an naturally-occurring form of silicon carbide (SiC), can be found as inclusions in meteorites, corundum deposits and rare kimberlites. Moissanite can also be created artificially using traditional sintering and hot pressing techniques in a laboratory environment. Moissanite gemstones used in jewelry are generally manufactured synthetically in laboratories. Here is how this remarkable gemstone comes

Moissanite – A Gemstone Substitute Leer más »

How to Assess Silicon Carbide Conductivity Electrically

Silicon carbide is an extremely hard material that lies somewhere between alumina and diamond on the Mohs scale, offering exceptional strength, corrosion resistance, durability, strength, high melting point and other engineering advantages that make it perfect for challenging engineering applications. Impurities called doping agents can also impart semi-conducting properties. Nitrogen and phosphorus doping creates an

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Carburo de silicio y su amplia banda prohibida

Silicon carbide is an extremely reliable wide band-gap semiconductor material. This allows devices made of it to operate at higher voltages, frequencies, and temperatures than conventional silicon devices. Monolayer SiC could be the catalyst to revolutionary advances in high-temperature electronics and power devices. It offers unmatched optical, mechanical, chemical and magnetic properties for unrivaled functionality

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Coherent consigue una inversión de $1.000 millones en sustratos de carburo de silicio para vehículos eléctricos

Coherent, de Saxonburg (Pensilvania), anunció el 8 de abril que los proveedores japoneses de automóviles DENSO y Mitsubishi Electric han invertido 1.400 millones de PTT en su negocio de carburo de silicio, con una participación no mayoritaria del 12,51 PTT en una filial de nueva creación que gestionará el negocio bajo la dirección de Sohail Khan, Vicepresidente Ejecutivo de Nuevas Empresas y Tecnología Electrónica de Banda Ancha de Coherent.

Coherent consigue una inversión de $1.000 millones en sustratos de carburo de silicio para vehículos eléctricos Leer más »

Tubos de carburo de silicio

El carburo de silicio (SiC) es un material asombroso con una fuerza y una resistencia extraordinarias. Capaz de soportar altas temperaturas, productos químicos agresivos y resistencia a la corrosión, estas características hacen del SiC un material incomparable. A la hora de seleccionar un tubo de carburo de silicio para su proyecto, hay que tener en cuenta varios elementos, como la temperatura, la presión, el entorno propenso a la corrosión y el tamaño/forma.

Tubos de carburo de silicio Leer más »

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