Nombre del autor:admin88

Oblea de carburo de silicio

Las obleas de carburo de silicio se utilizan como sustratos en dispositivos electrónicos de potencia, como diodos y MOSFET, ya que ofrecen una dureza superior, estabilidad al calor y a la tensión e irreactividad con respecto a la resistencia a la oxidación. Disponibles en diámetros de 100 mm y 150 mm. Estos sustratos también proporcionan protección contra el choque térmico causado por los cambios bruscos de temperatura, con su baja

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Carburo de silicio ligado por reacción

El carburo de silicio ligado por reacción es un material cerámico ultrarresistente que ofrece una fuerza excepcional contra los impactos y el desgaste, resistencia al choque térmico y ataque químico. Las formulaciones de SiC poroso y partículas de carbono, cuando se infiltran con silicio líquido o gaseoso, se autounen debido a la reacción química entre el silicio y el carbono. El silicio reacciona con el carbono para formar carburo de silicio adicional

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Carburo de silicio sinterizado

Silicon carbide is a high-performance ceramic with exceptional hardness, wear resistance and thermal conductivity properties. However, its complex geometry makes precise machining extremely challenging; diamond tools must be employed for maximum accuracy when working with it. Saint-Gobain utilizes multiple manufacturing avenues to craft the highest-grade sintered silicon carbide products. We employ reaction sintering and pressureless

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Crisol de carburo de silicio

Silicon carbide crucibles are designed for melting nonferrous metals such as copper, silver, gold and lead-zinc in ground furnaces or electric furnaces. Their features include high oxidation resistance, less pollution and excellent thermal conductivity. Crucibles often sustain damage due to overheating; longitudial cracks extending from bottom edge to top can result in this scenario, but

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Fórmula del carburo de silicio

Silicon carbide (SiC) is an exceptionally hard crystalline compound of silicon and carbon found naturally as moissanite and has semiconductor properties. Industrially produced powder can be used in abrasive grinding and cutting operations. Edward Acheson first synthesized synthetic moissanite artificially in 1891 using electric heat from a power plant to combine silica with carbon, yielding

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Kiln Furniture – Kiln Shelves

Kiln Furniture includes the shelves where ceramic ware sits during its firing process in a kiln. Nitrogen-bonded silicon carbide shelves make an excellent choice due to their abrasion-resistance and physical strength, providing optimal conditions for their placement within the kiln. LO-MASS shelves are 19x stronger and 50% lighter than conventional cordierite shelves while still supporting

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Silicon Carbide Abrasive Wheel

Silicon carbide abrasive wheels are widely used for grinding and cutting metal, available in various grit sizes to meet different metal applications and hardnesses. Harder, more brittle materials require finer grit sizes while those that exhibit lower tensile strengths need coarser ones. High hardness Silicon carbide abrasives are considerably harder than aluminum oxide ones. Furthermore,

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Semiconductor de carburo de silicio

Silicon carbide semiconductor offers several advantages that make it an attractive alternative to silicon-based devices, including its ability to handle high voltages, enhance thermal efficiency and decrease size/weight of power electronic devices in electric vehicles. SiC is found naturally in moissanite gems and kimberlite deposits, but most is produced synthetically for use in electronic components,

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