Οι ηλεκτρικές ιδιότητες του καρβιδίου του πυριτίου

Silicon carbide is a semiconductor material with properties between metals and insulators. The latter depends on factors like temperature and impurities present within its crystal structure; as for the former, electrical properties depend on these variables as well.

Edward Goodrich Acheson first created SiC in 1891 while trying to produce artificial diamonds using an electric current through clay using a carbon rod. He dubbed the material that resulted carborundum.

Voltage Resistance

Silicon Carbide (SiC), is an extremely durable semiconductor material with incredible electrical conductivity properties. Able to manage higher voltages and currents even at higher temperatures than silicon, SiC is ideal for applications such as power electronics. Furthermore, its wider bandgap allows it to conduct at higher frequencies with reduced resistance compared to other semiconductor materials.

SiC’s electrical properties depend on its components and manufacturing process, with different additives significantly altering its electrical resistivity based on how it was added into its composition. Oxides and nitrides, for instance, are classified as second-phase additives while impurities like phosphorus or nitrogen may act as donor or acceptor impurities that increase electrical resistivity.

Silicon carbide stands apart from its fellow semiconductors in that its unmodified state acts as an electrical insulator. However, doping can convert it to conduct electricity by adding specific impurities known as dopants such as aluminum, boron and gallium for p-type semiconductor applications or nitrogen and phosphorus for n-type ones.

Silicon is currently the dominant semiconductor, yet its capabilities in high-powered electronics are beginning to be challenged. Silicon carbide offers a more energy efficient method of conducting currents as it can handle higher temperatures and voltages more effectively than silicon. Furthermore, its wider bandgap can facilitate faster speeds which helps reduce device size.

Silicon has a wide bandgap, meaning it can be made into an improved conductor by decreasing its drift layer resistance, which leads to current loss upon turn-off, making for shorter switching times and reduced losses in power electronic devices.

Silicon carbide can be found naturally in moissanite gemstones; however, silicon carbide production typically uses an elaborate process invented by Edward G. Acheson in 1891. This involves mixing pure silica (SiO2) quartz sand with ground petroleum coke in an electric resistance-type furnace and heating it at high temperature to cause chemical reaction that produces silicon carbide; today this technique has become the go-to way of creating industrial grade abrasives, metallurgical materials and refractories.

Current Conductivity

Conductivity can be found everywhere from metals like silver and plastics like rubber and rubber-rubber composites, rubber and dry wood to diamonds, but its hallmark characteristic remains electron movement. Semiconductors utilize their outer orbital electrons for conductivity. Silicon carbide has an exceptionally high electrical conductivity thanks to an atomic structure with no resistance for its valence electrons to resist this flow of electrons; consequently it offers extremely high electrical conductivity.

Silicon carbide (SiC) is an extremely robust chemical compound composed of carbon and silicon with hexagonal crystal structure and wide band-gap semiconductor properties, known as its band gap of 3.26eV compared to silicon’s 1.67 eV. As such, SiC is an exceptional conductor of electricity and therefore an outstanding conductor for electricity transmission.

Silicon carbide’s resistance to high temperatures, low radiation levels and ability to withstand space environments make it an attractive material for use in various applications. Furthermore, its insulating properties make it possible to decrease both size and weight of electronic devices while increasing reliability.

Silicon carbide’s excellent electric conductivity protects devices from external influences, increasing efficiency while protecting from damage from outside influences. Furthermore, its ability to withstand high voltages makes it an excellent solution for power transmission applications such as overhead power lines.

Silicon Carbide can be manufactured into various polytypes with distinct characteristics. Three such polytypes, 3C-SiC, 4H-SiC and 6H-SiC are commonly found in electronic applications due to their excellent electron mobility and temperature tolerance; 4H-SiC features cubic crystal structure while 3C-SiC exhibits tetrahedral crystal formation.

SiC polytypes share similar internal microstructures, yet their atoms are positioned differently – giving rise to different electrical properties. This difference arises due to differences in coordination of carbon and silicon atoms within a crystal lattice; this phenomenon is known as polytypism (for more on crystallography and polytypism of SiC, please see Powell et al. 1993).

Silicon carbide’s electrical conductivity varies directly with length measured over and is inversely proportional to cross-sectional area, measuring in siemens per metre (S/m). To calculate conductivity of any sample you will require measurements of voltage, current, length measurements, Ohm’s law as a guide: VIR=IjR =IR/R and S/I

Resistance to Heat

Silicon carbide, more commonly referred to as carborundum, is a non-oxide ceramic with unique physical properties that make it useful in industrial settings requiring high heat resistance and thermal shock resistance. Due to its exceptional strength, hardness, thermal stability and wear-resistance it has long been chosen in products like abrasive grits, wear resistant parts, refractories and ceramics; additionally it offers numerous advantages over silicon semiconductors, including higher breakdown voltage and superior thermal conductivity.

SiC is defined by its chemical composition, which affects its electrical and thermal properties. At first, SiC acts like an electrical insulator; however, with careful doping (the controlled introduction of impurities), its semi-conductivity can be unleashed. Doping is commonly employed during semiconductor production as it allows free charge carriers (electrons or holes) to form that increase material conductivity.

Silicon carbide in its pure form has a density of approximately 3 kg/cm3. Its specific heat index of 750 J/kg*K indicates that it requires substantial energy to raise temperature by one degree Kelvin; thus making SiC an excellent candidate for use in environments requiring thermal stability.

Silicon carbide’s special lattice structure consists of covalent bonds between carbon tetrahedron atoms and silicon atoms, creating close-packed lattice. This close-packing gives it exceptional strength, hardness, low sintering shrinkage, inertness and thermal expansion; further enhancing oxidation resistance through high thermal conductivity and higher atomic numbers.

Silicon carbide sintering follows a similar process to that used for tungsten carbide, using carbon and nitrogen gases combined in a furnace to heat from both below and above, producing a metastable mixture of carbide and silica which then undergoes pressure and rapid cooling before becoming the final product. Littelfuse manufactures silicon carbide die for use in various electronic devices that benefit from its superior breakdown voltage, lower resistance per unit area, and greater ability to withstand high temperatures and voltages.

Θερμική αγωγιμότητα

Silicon carbide (often abbreviated as “SiC”) is a synthetically produced crystalline compound of silicon and carbon with the chemical formula SiC. As both a ceramic and semiconductor material, SiC’s properties make it suitable for high voltages and temperatures applications such as grinding wheels and cutting tools requiring high abrasives; its wear-resistance features also make it invaluable in industrial settings like furnace linings, wear parts in pumps and rocket engines and semiconducting substrates for light-emitting diodes (LEDs).

Edward G. Acheson’s 1893 discovery of moissanite, an extremely rare natural mineral, inspired a modern method for creating silicon carbide used in abrasives, metallurgical, and refractory applications. Acheson devised a process to synthesize it using silica sand reduced with carbon in an electric furnace; this became the pioneering example of what has since become the predominant method.

Manufacturing SiC involves mixing pure silica sand with carbon in the form of coke in an electrical resistance-type furnace and running an electric current through its conductor to cause chemical reaction between carbon in coke and silicon in sand which produces SiC. The entire process may take up to several days but is typically conducted continuously at 2,700degC temperature.

Silicon carbide’s thermal conductivity is determined by both its lattice structure and electron concentration, with improvements achieved by adding boron which decreases lattice energy and doping it with either n-type or p-type dopants to alter conductivity.

SiC possesses excellent electrical characteristics even at very high temperatures, including higher voltage resistance than ordinary silicon and superior performance in systems requiring high-voltage components than gallium nitride. As a result, SiC makes for ideal use in electric vehicle applications where high voltage needs must be met.

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