Amorphous Silicon Carbide Thin Film

Amorphous silicon carbide (a-SiC) has gained immense attention due to its variable optical and electronic properties. As it features rigidity, low thermal expansion rates, and visible light transparency it makes an attractive material for telescope mirrors. Material science is experiencing a revolution with the introduction of this novel material: a-SiC. With properties combining strength with

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Karbid křemíku 4H vs. karbid křemíku 6H

4H-SiC is an increasingly popular polytype of silicon carbide. Due to its wide bandgap and excellent thermal, electrical, and mechanical properties, it makes an ideal material for power electronics applications. We investigated the elastic deformation and cracking behavior of a single crystal 4H-SiC pillar specimen with [0001] orientation by performing four times loading-unloading compression strain

Karbid křemíku 4H vs. karbid křemíku 6H Přečtěte si více "

Karbid křemíku Whiskers

Silicon carbide whiskers, single-crystal micron-sized particles with outstanding physical and chemical properties, have garnered significant research interest due to their wide-ranging applications across many fields including high temperature structural materials and tool ceramics. Mullite ceramic is a highly chemically stable refractory material with superior mechanical and physical properties such as high hardness and temperature creep

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Advantages of a Silicon Carbide Inverter for Electric Vehicles (EVs)

Silicon carbide inverter technology is an exciting power semiconductor advancement. It boasts several advantages over conventional silicon devices, including lower power losses up to ten times less and improved thermal performance. McLaren Applied is employing a high-voltage CoolSiC metal oxide semiconductor field-effect transistor (MOSFET), designed specifically to handle high voltage 800-volt systems found in electric

Advantages of a Silicon Carbide Inverter for Electric Vehicles (EVs) Přečtěte si více "

Silicon Carbide Compound

Silicon carbide, more commonly referred to as carborundum, is an extremely hard synthetic crystalline compound made up of silicon and carbon characterized by high thermal conductivity, low coefficient of expansion, resistance to chemical reaction and semiconducting capabilities. Moissanite, its natural counterpart, occurs as a mineral but can only be found in very limited amounts in

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Průmysl karbidu křemíku

Silicon Carbide (SiC) can withstand the high voltage demands of electric vehicle power systems. Wolfspeed offers isolation solutions designed specifically to support SiC designs for traction control inverters. Silicon Carbide Market Growth Automotive industry growth is driving market growth of silicon carbide while its high temperature resistance drive the demand from the refractory sector. Automotive

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Karbid křemíku zkvalitňuje dokončovací proces

Silicon carbide is an incredible material with exceptional hardness and durability that revolutionizes any crafting toolkit. Craftsmen can utilize it to shape, smooth and level surfaces with precision and ease – elevating their finishing process and providing craftspeople with access to precision finishing capabilities. No matter the material being sanded – delicate veneers or dense

Karbid křemíku zkvalitňuje dokončovací proces Přečtěte si více "

Co je karbid křemíku?

Karbid křemíku se používá v elektronických zařízeních, která zesilují, přepínají nebo převádějí signály v elektrickém obvodu. Díky nižšímu napěťovému odporu a teplotním možnostem jsou tato zařízení schopna pracovat na vyšších frekvencích s menšími ztrátami výkonu. SiC se vyrábí v elektrické peci Achesonovým procesem a zahříváním křemičitého písku.

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Výhody MOSFETů z karbidu křemíku

MOSFETy z karbidu křemíku (tranzistory s kovovým oxidem a polovodičem) jsou základními prvky výkonové elektroniky, které nabízejí široký pás, vysoké průrazné napětí a proudovou hustotu. Tyto napájecí zdroje jsou obzvláště vhodné pro topologie s tvrdým spínáním, jako jsou LLC a ZVS, a poskytují vyšší účinnost systému s menšími součástkami pro kompaktnější konstrukce při nižších nákladech na systém a energeticky efektivní.

Výhody MOSFETů z karbidu křemíku Přečtěte si více "

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